A collection of pictures from an online weekend event.
All the boys from my collection, in every size and make got together for some fun.
Tick tock goes the clock.
"It seems a long time since I´ve met with the kids."
At Alvins Cottage.
"Uncle Alvin, would you like to come to the All Boys Party with us this weekend?"
My oldest and youngest.
Baby John and Uncle Alvin (a 200 year old goblin in his 20s). Who do you think will fall asleep first?
🎉Finally, the table is set and the party has officially started! Time to get on a sugar high! Meet the gang! Welcome everyone! 🎈🎂
Adrian is impressed.
Pinky means to finish that hot dog that’s almost the size of him! 😂
Billy is so happy Uncle Robot made it.
He’s a trucker, so we don’t see him that often.
Nilas is always happy to help his baby brother Albert😄
Charlie and Jacob has lots to chat about.
Porgy wonders where to go next.
“I hear there’s both a boys room and a play room”.
Invisible dragon friend.
Charlie is having a time out after all the food and is chatting with his invisible dragon friend Goofy. No one else can see him though.
The adults.
While the kids headed in every direction and the uncles sat down to solve some world problems, Rudolph seized the chance for some snacks.
Pinkys dilemma.
“I really shouldn’t have tried to eat that whole thing, now I have a tummy ache”.
Some of the boys went outside to run off some steam.
“We should get some of these toys down to the playroom.“
The itty bitties were intent on making some noise.
There seems to be a system to the chaos 😄🎉
The uncles are making sure baby John goes to sleep. I’m sure they are pretty beat themselves😉
Finally everyone are pretty beat, and Uncle Alvin knows just the trick.
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