A bjd reindeer by Daisy Dayes
5cm at the shoulders.
Won in a photo contest Christmas of 2018
Closed Gallery, for newer pictures go to Daisy Dayes Family.
"Welcome Rudolph!"
Meeting the four legges miracle
Rudolph and the midnight sun
Rudolph met with the herd
On adventure
Christmas card 2019
"Please, can Chistmas last just a little longer?"
"That tree looks yummy"
Getting fed through the cottage window
In the doggy bed
Giving Pinky a ride
"Santa wanted to know what you want for Christmas?"
In the snow
Nora and Rudolph
Lunch interrupted
Trimming Alvins hedges
Another adventure
Playing with the boys
Meanwhile in the magical forest
Nanni and Rudolph
Looking at the view
Spring vibes
Rudolph and Sarah
Little helpers
The DD family
Ponk, Sven and Rudolph
Delivering presents
Fun at the barn.
Delivering presents.
Family photo
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