Thumbelina was my only BJD for almost a year, and has remained the center of my collection.
Random order 2017-2019.
First wig by me
My lovely girl
"Forget- me- not flowers for you mummy"
"Will they keep in my treasure box?"
Time to play
Mr Robot came by in his grand Mercedes
"Lookie, Tom- Tom"
Tom and Thumbelina
A touch of summer
Summer is short
She loves her books
Story time
Paper doll
Rose was Thumbelinas first little friend.
Listen to the beat
Two tiny sisters
Not really, Rose is a flower fairy.
"May I have my bear back now please"
Pinky is the 2nd flower fairy
New camera and panda
Figuring out my new camera
Ice skating
In purple mid winter light
Enjoying the light
Valentines kisses for you
My whole collection at this time, 2018
Out and about
No other of my dolls has travelled as much as Thumbelina
Jump around
Looking cute
"What is this?"
The sea urchin
"I can´t reach!"
The "Princess Charlotte" outfit
My little princess and her puppy Oscar
Nap time for little dolls and dollies
Mr Robot came over for ice cream
On a sugar high...
"Is there someone in there?"
"Look, a Smurf!"
The Smurfs are in tha house!
On top of the world
Cats for company
On the edge
"I´ve got a stick and I´m sticking to it!"
Just playing
Easter egg hunt
Swinging in the swing
My little monkey
Something green
Fresh faceup
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